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In the Realm of Infinite Possibilities, 

What Do You Want?

Let Yourself be drawn by the Pull
of what You Really Love


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ways to work with shakara


Individual Sessions


The One-Month Journey


Finding your real turn-on and getting clear on what 

you want to manifest is your first step.


Each 90-minute session gives you the precise guidance you need for your next steps in any area of your life.

relationships  •  romance and erotic force  •  total life makeovers  •  financial abundance  •  business  •  life purpose  •  projects  •  passions  •  vitality and aliveness  •  self-confidence and personal power  


Your unique session with Shakara draws on decades of experience inspiring, mentoring, and facilitating deep and meaningful changes in the people she touches.


In your time together, Shakara draws on a range of tools, including your astrological and numerological blueprint, and much more. As a channel, she taps into higher guidance that opens doors, provides answers, and clarifies your direction.


Shakara has a unique capacity to see into the deepest aspects of one’s soul imprint and destiny. With her guidance, expect to get crystal clear on what lights your fire as you realize your full capacity to manifest what you truly want.


In-person or online sessions are available.

All sessions are recorded. Price: $375


For more details or to book a session, email Shakara:

Or click on the button below.

the one-month journey with shakara 

The pillars of your one-month journey with Shakara are four in-depth weekly sessions. The power of these sessions builds momentum and

provides potent and rapid results.


With her extraordinary support and mentoring, expect in-depth guidance,

exciting breakthroughs, and an abundance of magic and miracles.


The structure of the package:


Four 90-minute weekly sessions


Your full-month support includes:

• between-session check-ins

• practical assistance and tools

• Shakara's ongoing tracking and guidance of your progress   

. . . all adding power and momentum to your manifesting objectives.


Price: $1,895


To find out more about this exclusive 4-week journey or to book a session,

please email Shakara:

Or click on the button below.

what happens when you work with shakara 

"Shakara is profound. She merges intuition and channeled guidance with a brilliant ability to move people into action. She was instrumental in identifying and formulating an important new division of my business (slated to be my biggest revenue source). And she helped me to manifest the home of my dreams. Seriously! I have a bird’s eye view of the San Francisco Bay every day because of Shakara. She sees deeply into the truth of people and—in a dance with powerful spiritual forces—helps her clients and students to restore their relationship with infinite possibilities. She reminds us that miracles are real." 

— Debra Evans, Developmental book editor and co-founder of

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“Shakara is like no other. Her experience, wisdom, insight, and intuition provide a synergistic magic for transforming whatever-is into what-can-be. In the last six months, she has been instrumental in major personal and professional changes in my life—from transitioning my business to launching new initiatives to deeper harmony and integration of my own inner masculine and feminine.


In Shakara is a sacred triad of a business coach, personal mentor, and spiritual portal rolled into one. An opportunity to work with her is a multi-faceted blessing.”

— Robert Bengtson, Visual artist, and founder of The Art of Detail, Inspiration Campaign, and A New Human Story

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"Shakara is that rare person with the innate ability to see into the cracks of the soul to assist and clarify whatever issues may arise. With humor, wit, and compassion, she will be your companion along the path to your essential truth. If you are ready to enter Eden, Shakara is there to support you as you unfold into your authentic self."

— Russel Walder, Composer, film director, master oboe player, Grammy nominee

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& Bubbles

“Shakara can do the impossible! She thinks outside the box to come up with solutions, elegantly plowing through every obstacle. She transformed both the public tasting room and the guest house at our winery, Karah Estate Vineyard, so we could re-open after being closed for ten months due to the pandemic. We would not have accomplished this without her persistence and expertise. I highly recommend letting Shakara take the reins on any project you want done efficiently and beautifully—on any place or space you want to transform.”


—Lynne Morin, Karah Estate Vineyard,

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windows into shakara's world

© 2022 by Shakara Global

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